Hi! I’m Kirsten.
Coach | Trainer | Retreat leader
And I’m living a life I used to dream about! Now I want to help you to do the same.
Are you truly happy?
I often wonder how many of us are happy – with our relationships, our lifestyles, our jobs or businesses.
I’ve been there – I’ve spent years of my life trying to change situations that will never change. I’m lucky that I’ve always been able to recognise when something wasn’t fulfilling me any longer, but it sometimes took me a long time to actually make that move. Often the thing stopping me from moving on was fear. It’s normal & natural, of course – but how many people live their entire lives too scared to live how they truly want to, and die with regrets?
Many of us are operating in a state of overdrive, overwork and overwhelm – it’s become the norm! And I’m on a mission to change that, for as many people as possible.
Now that I’ve designed a life I truly love, and broken through my own mental blocks & barriers, I’ve realised it’s my life’s purpose to help people do the same.
I do this by coaching, training, and creating incredible retreat spaces where we work on what you want to change, then plan how we’ll make it happen.
I can’t wait to help you live the life of your dreams.